Wednesday 23 January 2008

Meat is....manslaughter?

Good afternoon Blogface

It's been a while, and lot's has happened since I last spoke to you. The cats have played a few gigs and we're now branching out Sheffield. I'm still the worst eco-warrier ever... I'm good at work, but terrible at home. It has to stop, need to go full on with this I reckon - no lights on, no stand bys, no binning recyclable goods.

I'm also slowly evolving into a wannabe-vegetarian. I think it's a combination of:

1. It's good for the environment to go veggie

2. A lot of programmes recently have evolved around the bad conditions of some animals and, although I knew it was all happening, it's from a fairly neutral stance unlike PETA etc. I get completely put off by PETA and such organisations as it's hard to know what to believe when it's so biased and think they go a bit overboard too.

3. Not knowing where my meat comes from is a bit of a worry. I never buy really really cheap meat from Supermarkets but when I think about eating in pubs and work canteen, it concerns me that I could be eating - well, who knows what..!

4. The idea of lining my stomach with pounds of meat can't be good for my weight or my long term health.

5. I reckon I could easily give up burgers/meat balls etc for quorn..

So there you go, plenty of reasons to be fair. I think I'll edge my way in - try and eat quorn where possible and take it from there. I just hope I don't start being a preacher-type if it all goes well...