Wednesday 16 April 2008


So, Blogface, things seem to be a bit shit at the moment. Nate's dad is currently in hospital - I don't really like to ask for details or anything but as far as I'm aware, things are not good :( I really hope he has a speedy recovery and I know Nate would be absolutely gutted if anything bad was to happen. The above kind of makes the rest of this blog redundant but still is a bit shitty. Julie had a accident with a pole the other day and has scraped all down the side of her brand new car. Though only visual damage, Julie is understandably upset with it being brand new - add on that a couple of customer service/administrative errors with things she's bought lately and things don't seem to be going right. I've also been bedridden with illness - my throat feels like crap and everytime I cough my head pounds and throat tears (not literally, I hope). Cats for peru are recording in 2 weeks time and I'm a little paranoid about my voice so fingers crossed.

I just feel like I'm becoming more and more detached from the world around me. I hardly see my friends and 2 of my best, my housemates, well the majority of conversation is through written text whether it's email, phone or magnadoodle. I just like to keep myself to myself and I know Julie's the same. However wrong it may be, social circles are almost exclusively decided on whether you go out drinking or not. As I hardly ever do, I feel like I'm losing touch. It depresses me to feel like this, yet I hardly enjoy getting drunk anymore. I have no idea why this is, I don't think I can hack the amount of idiots that surround me (that's not my mates obviously, the general public) and everyone always talks about getting drunk, having to get drunk, the "damage drink must be doing to my liver" (said with ironic sarcasm) - I don't know, it's just not me. I'd much rather pile consoles and board games into the living room, have a few vodkas, listen to some good music and not be ill the next day =P If that makes me a sad loser, so be it..