Sunday 30 December 2007

Guitars 2...

..I Totally went and bought one didn't I!  Well, a Squier....bargainous at £179 tho!

Thursday 27 December 2007


A quick note firstly to say that I no longer blog Catsforperu gigs here, they are on our Facebook page.

Anyway, on with guitars..  

Basically, I want and need a new guitar.  As much as I love my Ibanez, it's a bit buzzy, the pickups always fall out and it's a bit 80's metal for my tastes.  Saying that, it surprisingly has an amazing clean tone to it but there's not enough beef behind it for me.

So I'm after something new.  Unfortunately, I know nothing about guitars and all that humbucker shit.  So I need something that sounds and looks nice.  The guitar that meets both those requirements for me is the oh-so-obscure Telecaster.  I want a black one.

I also like the one with a black plate too..

So there you have it, I guess I thought it was vital that you knew I needed a new guitar.  You never know, someone might just give me theirs.  Hmmm...

Monday 10 December 2007

Ramble Ramble Ramble

Well it has been a while since I have written, apologies for ignoring you Sir Blogface..

Just got a lot of feelings built up (in the ol' cliche way) and I need to vent it somewhere and I guess this is the best place for it to be fair. My work have just emailed round for Bernados asking for us to donate CDs, DVDs or Walkman/discman. Alternatively, we could all band together and buy something to donate. I was going to suggest this but then thought to myself that there are hundreds of charities I would give to ahead of that. The idea is that we put in our unwanted gifts to give to underprivileged kids. An underprivileged kid with a walkman isn't going to change much (don't get me wrong, it's still a good charity). So I put it upon myself to donate to 2 or 3 charities monthly - UNICEF is definitely one I feel strongly about. I also thought about donating to Friends of the Earth - a charity to help fight global warming. But then there's Amnesty International....Oxfam....NSPCC....Breast Cancer....RSPCA....etc etc etc. It's just so saddening to think that it is vital all these charities exist - 99% of which are easily preventable if human beings just acted appropriately. Ok there are many exceptions - most cancers can't be helped, earthquakes and natural disasters can't be helped. But child abuse.....fucking child abuse!!! How on earth can anyone abuse a child? It just doesn't make sense to me! Then there are countries like Zimbabwe and North Korea - run my absolute monsters and there is nothing that "the people" can do to stop all this happening and they are stuck in a horrible nightmare that can see no end.

So then when I finally settle on a charity or two, I decide how much to donate a month. £5 each way I think. £5..!!!! I get £900 a month and I'm donating just over 1% of my wage when the rest will go on a big house I don't need, heating that I don't need, electricity I don't need, luxuries I don't need. It almost seems too patronising to give such a small amount. I know that "every little helps" but we can all do so much more but we don't - me included of course. But why don't we? - because we're all selfish... Is it wrong though? Shouldn't everyone be living at the same standard around the world? But then, what about the "bad people" - shouldn't they be living at a lower standard? Of course this theory is Impossible to police. It's impossible to be selfless and it bothers some people more than others. It bothers me greatly right now but I haven't got it in me to do anything about it - does it make me a bad person? I guess it does but that makes the whole world selfish.

Anyway, I'm glad I've got all that out of my system, I do feel a little better for it admittedly...reading back I don't half mumble but I can't be arsed to go back and edit it, it all kind of "flowed out" and I want to keep it that way.
Just save the kids everyone :(