Thursday 27 December 2007


A quick note firstly to say that I no longer blog Catsforperu gigs here, they are on our Facebook page.

Anyway, on with guitars..  

Basically, I want and need a new guitar.  As much as I love my Ibanez, it's a bit buzzy, the pickups always fall out and it's a bit 80's metal for my tastes.  Saying that, it surprisingly has an amazing clean tone to it but there's not enough beef behind it for me.

So I'm after something new.  Unfortunately, I know nothing about guitars and all that humbucker shit.  So I need something that sounds and looks nice.  The guitar that meets both those requirements for me is the oh-so-obscure Telecaster.  I want a black one.

I also like the one with a black plate too..

So there you have it, I guess I thought it was vital that you knew I needed a new guitar.  You never know, someone might just give me theirs.  Hmmm...

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