Monday 10 December 2007

Ramble Ramble Ramble

Well it has been a while since I have written, apologies for ignoring you Sir Blogface..

Just got a lot of feelings built up (in the ol' cliche way) and I need to vent it somewhere and I guess this is the best place for it to be fair. My work have just emailed round for Bernados asking for us to donate CDs, DVDs or Walkman/discman. Alternatively, we could all band together and buy something to donate. I was going to suggest this but then thought to myself that there are hundreds of charities I would give to ahead of that. The idea is that we put in our unwanted gifts to give to underprivileged kids. An underprivileged kid with a walkman isn't going to change much (don't get me wrong, it's still a good charity). So I put it upon myself to donate to 2 or 3 charities monthly - UNICEF is definitely one I feel strongly about. I also thought about donating to Friends of the Earth - a charity to help fight global warming. But then there's Amnesty International....Oxfam....NSPCC....Breast Cancer....RSPCA....etc etc etc. It's just so saddening to think that it is vital all these charities exist - 99% of which are easily preventable if human beings just acted appropriately. Ok there are many exceptions - most cancers can't be helped, earthquakes and natural disasters can't be helped. But child abuse.....fucking child abuse!!! How on earth can anyone abuse a child? It just doesn't make sense to me! Then there are countries like Zimbabwe and North Korea - run my absolute monsters and there is nothing that "the people" can do to stop all this happening and they are stuck in a horrible nightmare that can see no end.

So then when I finally settle on a charity or two, I decide how much to donate a month. £5 each way I think. £5..!!!! I get £900 a month and I'm donating just over 1% of my wage when the rest will go on a big house I don't need, heating that I don't need, electricity I don't need, luxuries I don't need. It almost seems too patronising to give such a small amount. I know that "every little helps" but we can all do so much more but we don't - me included of course. But why don't we? - because we're all selfish... Is it wrong though? Shouldn't everyone be living at the same standard around the world? But then, what about the "bad people" - shouldn't they be living at a lower standard? Of course this theory is Impossible to police. It's impossible to be selfless and it bothers some people more than others. It bothers me greatly right now but I haven't got it in me to do anything about it - does it make me a bad person? I guess it does but that makes the whole world selfish.

Anyway, I'm glad I've got all that out of my system, I do feel a little better for it admittedly...reading back I don't half mumble but I can't be arsed to go back and edit it, it all kind of "flowed out" and I want to keep it that way.
Just save the kids everyone :(

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