Tuesday 31 July 2007

So here I am on my dinner at work having just sat in the canteen with my colleague Tammy eating a ciabatta sandwich. All we really talked about was how boring work is at the moment. Up until recently, I have really enjoyed working here - of course it isn't my dream job and I'd rather be elsewhere, but it is alright. Recently, I'm not sure whether the job has progressively gotten worse or I'm just itching for something more, but it keeps creeping into my mind that I want to leave.

Though a vared job in the tasks I do, essentially I am sat behind a computer fake-smiling over the phone to people who, on the majority, are being arsey for the sake of it. Then the constant cycle of "we should do this" and "we shouldn't do that" and we're forever in a workforce-pergatory and I do feel like we're sliding into hell over time.

I'm just not passionate about what I'm doing. I've been thinking recently that I'd like to get involved in more big-picture problems, perhaps global warming. As much as I'd like to really push this passion and attend political rallies, write to my MP, try and be more economical in the office...I will have to stop being a hypocrite first. I sit next to a bin, and the recycle bin is about 3 metres away. I probably use them half-and-half for paper because I'm that lazy. It's a terrible personality trait to have and it's something I have to rid.

Another thing I have been
thinking about recently is doing something completely out of the ordinary (for me anyway). I've been looking into swimming The Solent which is the English coast to the Isle of Wight. This is only 3.5 miles but the waters are freezing and infested with sea-creatures and boats of all sizes. In this I can conquer my fear of the ocean but also have something accomplished that is actually worth being proud of. I'm fed up of the old "I'm Ad and I'm in a band" - I'd like to add something interesting to it.

Saturday 28 July 2007

Cats:for:peru gig #002

Last Thursday was our 2nd gig and we played at West Street Live.  Once again the place was busy and we'd managed to get a good crowd down.  I think I prefered this gig myself, less mistakes and I think we're relaxing more now and "feeling" it more.  The only errors were technical so hopefully they'll be ironed out before our next gig.


1.  Last man in europe
2.  A43
3.  The nobodies
4.  Manifesto
5.  Cutting the bridges in half
6.  I:am:the:orgasm

Also playing were The Subs who I missed as I went to The Grapes for a bit, I am Bandini who were pretty good and used to be called Fake Ideal.  Headline band was The Black Snatch Band and we must apologise - I went to get food, came back, and everyone had left bar a few!  It was quite late for a school night though..

Tuesday 24 July 2007

Back from Portugal

Hello again Blogface,

So I went away to Portugal for 10 days with my beautiful girlfriend Julie. I guess a "review" of the holiday, if you will, will bore the shit out of you so briefly - we stayed by the pool, we went to the beach, we went to a waterpark and went to a zoo marine and didn't do much else. I also drove a Jetski which was amazing and terrifying in equal parts. Great fun though, just don't tell my mum... That's just the way I like my holidays though so I had an excellent time. If you want to see photos they are on my Facebook.

I did manage to get through 3 books Johnny 5 style (ok, maybe not that fast). They were 'Survivor', 'Choke' and 'Haunted' all by the same author, Chuck Palahniuk. All 3 were, although quite similar in style and main character/s, excellent and I couldn't put them down (damn glue on the cover). 'Haunted' is a book of short stories (with a main story interweiving) and the very first story is called 'Guts' and when Chuck read it out on his promo tour, 2 or 3 people fainted per reading! And looky here, the story is below;


I would recommened his work to anyone who likes minimalist and nihilistic writing with black, black humour. He's like the Radiohead of the literature world - or not. I am currently starting another of his books - 'Invisible Monsters' and he has inspired me to start writing my own novel. I'll let you know how it goes...

Monday 9 July 2007

Cats:for:peru gig #001

So we played at Grapes last night.   It went really well actually - thankfully a lot of people came down and it definitely helped things along.  We made a few mistakes but it was all worth it and I think we've got the ball rolling nicely and picked a few fans up along the way.

This is probably a bad idea but I'll link you to a couple of videos from the gig even though the sound cuts, the picture's shoddy, it's out of sync, the sound distorts and we don't move much.


1.  Last man in europe
2.  A34
3.  The Nobodies
4.  Unnamed ukulele song
5.  Cutting the bridges in half
6.  Tripwires and flashing lights
7.  I:am:the:orgasm

Babylonglegs headlined

Saturday 7 July 2007

Atoness - Every day is food tech day

So, I'm in 2 bands at the moment.  One is called cats:for:peru and our first gig is tomorrow night.  My other band has been going a couple of years and we're called Atoness.  This is Atoness' debut and thus far only album.   We recorded it with Neil Carden in his very black room.  Listen.  Enjoy.

Atoness - Every Day is Food Tech Day

The start of a beautiful thing

Well hello there,

I'm Ad and I've decided to jump on the proverbial band wagon and have started a blog.  I'll try and avoid using it as a diary so much, just more "my findings", views, random album uploads  and all that.  Or maybe this will be the last post I ever write.  No one's even reading are they?