Tuesday 31 July 2007

So here I am on my dinner at work having just sat in the canteen with my colleague Tammy eating a ciabatta sandwich. All we really talked about was how boring work is at the moment. Up until recently, I have really enjoyed working here - of course it isn't my dream job and I'd rather be elsewhere, but it is alright. Recently, I'm not sure whether the job has progressively gotten worse or I'm just itching for something more, but it keeps creeping into my mind that I want to leave.

Though a vared job in the tasks I do, essentially I am sat behind a computer fake-smiling over the phone to people who, on the majority, are being arsey for the sake of it. Then the constant cycle of "we should do this" and "we shouldn't do that" and we're forever in a workforce-pergatory and I do feel like we're sliding into hell over time.

I'm just not passionate about what I'm doing. I've been thinking recently that I'd like to get involved in more big-picture problems, perhaps global warming. As much as I'd like to really push this passion and attend political rallies, write to my MP, try and be more economical in the office...I will have to stop being a hypocrite first. I sit next to a bin, and the recycle bin is about 3 metres away. I probably use them half-and-half for paper because I'm that lazy. It's a terrible personality trait to have and it's something I have to rid.

Another thing I have been
thinking about recently is doing something completely out of the ordinary (for me anyway). I've been looking into swimming The Solent which is the English coast to the Isle of Wight. This is only 3.5 miles but the waters are freezing and infested with sea-creatures and boats of all sizes. In this I can conquer my fear of the ocean but also have something accomplished that is actually worth being proud of. I'm fed up of the old "I'm Ad and I'm in a band" - I'd like to add something interesting to it.

1 comment:

Lotty Lou said...

Why not become a mime like I'm thinking of doing? :D
I also am thinking of adding some more strings to my bow - I'm looking into going back dancing (either tap or ballet), taking up photography and/or japanese, painting a lot more but i've had little inspiration lately and taking up ping pong. Not exactly swimming a sea but it's a start! So if you fancy taking up any of the above feel free to join me :D
And also I must get some scales and perfect the cupcake making!